Expert's View 名家觀點


三月 1 , 2017  

Making Sense of the Dollar


by Charles Cheng, CFA – Clarity Investment Partners
鄭又銓, CFA -可承資本


As the world’s reserve currency, the US Dollar’s movements can have a widespread impact on investors all over the world, especially if they hold international portfolios. Economically, other countries are affected by the relative prices in international trade in terms of demand for their exports and cost of their imports. With the new US Presidential regime and the onset of the US Federal Reserve hiking cycle, even more attention will be focused on the Dollar.

作為這個世界的儲備貨幣,美元的走勢可能對全球投資者帶來廣泛的影響 — 尤其當他們全球化配置其資產時。經濟上來看,其他國家在國際貿易中,對出口的需求以及進口貨品的成本都受到匯率的影響。隨著美國新總統上任及美聯儲著手這一輪的升息,越來越多的注意力投向了美元的走勢。



Since the US election, the US Dollar Index, a weighted measure of the Dollar’s value against major currencies has risen 4.9%, partly in response to proposed stimulative efforts on the economy and expectations of higher interest rates. Year to date however, it is down -0.53% to Feb 22.

自美國大選以來,反映美元兌其他主要貨幣的加權指標:美元指數 (反映美元兌其他主要貨幣的加權指標) 上漲了4.9%,部分是因為對經濟的刺激措施以及對更高利率的預期。然而截止至2月22日,美元指數從年初至今下跌了0.53%。



How does the Dollar typically behave during rate hiking cycles? It is reasonable to expect that rising rates will result in appreciation for a currency. But historically, the results have been more complicated. The Dollar has risen versus the currencies of major trade partners immediately after unexpected US interest rate increases, averaging +48 basis points on such rises between 2000-2007. However, during entire rate rising cycles, the Dollar has actually depreciated, falling at a rate of 1.7% annualized in these periods between 1913-2015, according to the Credit Suisse Global Returns Yearbook.




From: Credit Suisse Global Returns Yearbook, Feb 2016



Nevertheless, the Dollar looks like it’s on an uptrend, maintaining a level above its six month moving average. Academic studies have shown that an investing strategy that buys currencies that are trending upward or sells those that are trending downward could have earned a positive return of roughly 2-3% annualized in each direction, based on the period between 1980 and 2012 (Clare, Seaton, Smith and Thomas (2015).

儘管如此,目前美元看起來還是處於上升趨勢的,維持在六個月平均線以上。學術研究發現,當一個投資策略買入處於上漲趨勢的貨幣或者賣出下跌趨勢的貨幣的話,根據1980至2012年的數據,平均可以獲得年化2-3%的收益(據Clare, Seaton, Smith and Thomas 2015年文獻提供)。



Other factors that impact currency performance are interest rate differentials between countries (“carry”) and relative purchasing power in their economies. Relative inflation also explains the bulk of the long term differences in nominal exchange rates, with high inflation in a country leading to depreciation of the currency. Therefore government policy can have a significant impact on the path of the Dollar going forward.




So it may not be a straightforward case that the Dollar should continue its post-election rally. Even without a clear view in this matter, investors still need to make the decision whether to hedge the currency or not in a global portfolio. Historically, it has made sense to hold US dollar assets or, for a USD based investor, hedge foreign currency exposure back into USD, as the Dollar has risen against all currencies but two in the last century. This is hindsight, and there is no guarantee that it will follow the same path in the future. However, even if the dollar does not continue to be strong, its status as a ‘safe haven’ currency can help reduce the volatility of investor portfolios. Vanguard did a study where they found that investors based in either USD or Japanese Yen reduced the risk of their portfolios by hedging their foreign equity exposure back to their base currency. So even given uncertainty about the future path of currencies, a USD based investor may benefit from hedging at least part of their foreign currency exposure, while non-USD based investors may benefit by having exposure to USD assets that are currency un-hedged.





Mr. Cheng is a managing partner at Clarity Investment Partners, a Hong Kong based independent private investment office that directly manages personal accounts for families and institutions.
