Expert's View 名家觀點


四月 1 , 2018  

How Much Will Protectionism Hurt?


by Charles Cheng, CFA
鄭又銓, CFA


One of the less controversial ideas in economics is that unrestricted trade promotes economic growth of participating countries while trade protectionism hurts the global economy. Financial markets have reacted negatively to the latest round of protectionist measures and rhetoric coming out of the United States, including to US President Donald Trump’s declaration that ‘trade wars are good and easy to win.’ So far, the tariffs from the US and the response from effected countries like China have been narrow in scope, but the next steps are unclear. As investors it is important to objectively evaluate how big a threat a potential trade war might be .




The most alarming idea in the financial press is that rising protectionism was one of the main contributing causes of the Great Depression, with the passage of the infamous Smoot-Tawley Act in 1930 at the onset of the economic crisis, in which world trade was reduced by about two-thirds. However, the Depression was well under way by the time of the Act and trade was suppressed by the contracting world economy rather than protectionist policies. Nonetheless, the tariffs did have the effect of slowing the return of trade when economies recovered. Major investment banks are mixed on the potential worst-case scenario this time around, with Deutsche Bank figuring that a full blown trade war would trigger a mild global recession, while Morgan Stanley estimates a 1% reduction in GDP growth for the US and China.



Source: VoxEU

來源: VoxEU


How far the US will progress down this path is uncertain as this point, considering the timing of the latest measures took even the US administration’s allies by surprise. Up until this point, the Trump administration has generally catered to wishes of the owners of large businesses. Given protests among the pro-business faction of the Republican Party and major business lobbies, it is probably not going to make the tariffs widespread across industries. The Economist reports that 47 trade associations have come out against the tariffs while only three, including the two industries (steel and aluminum) that were the immediate beneficiaries of tariffs on their competitors, were for them.

考慮到施行最新措施的時機甚至讓美國政府的盟友都感到意外,因此美國能夠在這條(保護主義的)道路上走多遠還不確定。直到目前為止,川普政府一般都在迎合大企業主的意願。鑑於共和黨親商派和主要商業遊說團體的抗議,可能不會使關稅 (的提昇 / 保護) 在各行業間廣泛施行。 “經濟學”雜誌報導說,有47個行業協會針對這些關稅提出了反對意見,而只有三個會因關稅而成為直接獲益者的行業協會(其中包括鋼鐵和鋁業兩個行業)才支持該關稅的實施。


Source: The Economist



In 2002, George W Bush imposed similar tariffs on foreign steel, which lasted only 18 months after threats of retaliation from the EU and other countries. Trade groups estimated that the tariffs cost more jobs lost in steel consuming manufacturing industries than were gained in steel producing ones. This time, Trump has already rolled back tariffs on the EU and close allies like Canada, but left them in place for China. In addition to the steel and aluminum tariffs, the Trump administration announced that it would impose tariffs of 25% on certain Chinese goods, including biopharmaceuticals and rail equipment and other technology related industries amounting to about US$50 billion of imports, due to what it called were violations of intellectual property by the country.




In response, China has so far responded by saying it is preparing its own list of US goods to target, including agricultural products, worth around US$3 billion, as well as a secondary list of products if necessary. So far, these initial figures are small compared to the total amount of trade between the two countries, though the situation looks poised to get worse before it gets better with this just being the first round of tit-for-tat. These tariffs will put some upward pressure on prices, particularly in the US, where the central bank is already tightening interest rates to stave off potential inflation. Still, if the trade spat remains around this limited level, the effect on the global economy will probably be minor.




More concerning are the faulty rationales given by the US administration on why they started down this path in the first place, with a scapegoating of trade deficits and their effects on economic growth, an idea which mainstream economists say is misplaced. If the US and global economy do eventually go into a downturn, a similar misunderstanding of economic ideas and policy effects would likely worsen the decline and delay a recovery.




Mr. Cheng is a managing partner at Clarity Investment Partners, a Hong Kong based independent private investment office.
