Expert's View 名家觀點


一月 1 , 2017  

How much should we worry about Stagflation?


by Charles Cheng, CFA – Clarity Investment Partners
鄭又銓, CFA -可承資本


Heading into 2017, there are a couple of major uncertainties confronting investors. After years of sluggish growth across developed economies and interest rates near zero, the December rate hike by the US Federal Reserve signaled that economic activity is finally picking up to the extent that Central Banks need to consider inflationary risks as well as deflationary ones.




The new political landscape brought about by the US Presidential victory of Donald Trump, who has a mix of populist policies, some of which look to be stimulative or even inflationary, while others may be contractionary.

美國總統獲選人唐納德 川普帶來了新的政治局面:川普的民粹主義政策有些看似會對經濟起到促進作用甚至可能引起通貨膨脹,而有些政策則可能帶來緊縮。



Some commentators, including bank economists and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, are pointing at the still fragile economic recovery and the significant growth of money supply over recent years as a possible recipe for a return to “stagflation”- that is, a high inflation rate combined with slow economic growth and high unemployment. This is an economic state that the world has not seen in a significant degree since around the 1970s.




What’s there to fear about stagflation? For starters, it changes the way investors approach asset allocation. For the past 30-40 years, traditional stock/ bond allocations have served investors very well, with both asset classes benefitting from a low inflation. When there were occasional deflationary shocks in the global economy, bond returns helped to cushion the losses from stock markets and reduced portfolio volatility.

那麼滯漲有何可怕之處?首先,它會改變投資者進行資產配置的方式,在過去的30-40年間,傳統的股票/債券配置,得益於低通脹率,對投資者都給了良好的回報。 當全球經濟遭遇偶爾出現的通貨緊縮衝擊時,債券的收益有助於緩衝股票的損失從而降低整個投資組合的波動性。



In times of inflation, bonds are especially hurt while equity market returns don’t provide much support. According to research done by Mebane Faber, Between 1972 – 2007, during periods of high inflation, stock market returns, both in the US and around the world, have returned little in real terms while US bonds have had real returns of around -5% per annum. As you would expect, performance of real assets such as commodities and real estate have fared much better in these environments.

當通貨膨脹出現時,債券的收益會特別受影響,而同時股票市場的收益無法提供多少支援。根據Mebane Faber作出的研究,在1972至2007年間,在高通脹發生的時期,美國以及全球其他國家的股票市場實際回報幾乎為零而美國債券的實際收益為年化-5%。正如你能想到的,實體資產,例如大宗商品和房地產在這樣的環境中表現好很多。



The Ivy Portfolio, Mebane Faber 2009


When growth is also stagnating in the presence of inflation, such as during the 1973-74 bear market, stocks perform even worse than bonds. Fidelity Investments created the following table showing returns for different growth and inflation environments.

當經濟增長速度在通脹時也停滯的話,例如1973-74年的熊市時,股票的表現甚至比債券更差。富達投資(Fidelity Investment)製作了下表顯示了在不同經濟增長速度及通脹環境下各種資產類別的收益情況。



During stagflationary periods, bonds returned -1.1% while US equities returned -14.9%. Commodities again had a standout performance of close to 30% but that was largely driven by rising oil prices – one of the causes of the crisis in the first place.




While stagflation would have a dramatic effect on our portfolios, the other question remains how likely would a return to an environment like the 1970s be. Fortunately, it does not seem likely as of this moment. The 1970 crisis was due to several events coming together at around the same time. First, there were political reasons, as oil producing countries in the Middle East (OPEC) instituted an oil embargo against the US and other Western countries for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur war. This was only a few years after the US and UK had pulled out of the Breton Woods accords that had bound their currencies to the gold standard, causing their currencies to depreciate. At the same time, US domestic oil production was on the decline. These factors together contributed to oil prices shooting up from $3 a barrel to $12 dollars a barrel and creating an inflationary shock to the global economy. A second oil shock happened later, in 1979, due to the Iranian revolution. Another factor was economic mismanagement, as the US instituted price controls that backfired, while the US Federal Reserve, possibly acting under the influence of the President, kept expansionary monetary policy in place despite high inflation.

雖然滯漲會對我們的投資組合帶來戲劇性的效果,然而另一個問題是,我們現在的經濟環境回到1970年代的可能性有多大? 幸運的是,目前看來這種可能性很低。70年代的危機是由於一系列的事件同時發生所造成的。首先,是一些政治原因:中東石油生產國(OPEC) 對美國和其他西方國家在贖罪日戰爭期間採取了支持以色列的石油禁運行為。這時正是美國和英國退出布列塔尼森林協議後的幾年,該協議旨在根據黃金標準綁定美元和英鎊。這也導致了該兩種貨幣的貶值。與此同時,美國國內的石油產量也開始下降。這些因素一起導致了石油價格從每桶3美元至12美元的猛漲,並對當時的全球經濟帶來了通脹的衝擊。而幾年後,第二次石油價格衝擊係來自伊朗革命於1979年的爆發。而造成70年代危機的另一個原因為經濟上的管理失誤,即美國政府失敗的價格控制;另外美聯儲,很可能由於受總統的影響而在高通脹的情況下繼續擴張性的貨幣政策。



While there definitely are increasing risks of international political crises and economic mismanagement, the chances of multiple similar events coming together to form a similar commodity driven crisis does not seem likely, at least not for energy. Above a certain price point, alternative forms of production would increase the overall supply of oil. Furthermore, with the sluggish economic recovery since the global financial crisis, deflationary risks are still the bigger worry at this point.




Still, we recommend that investors remain watchful for signs of inflation, such as unexpected wage and commodity price increases, and have contingencies in their investment plans. Whether the Federal Reserve’s independence will be preserved going forward is another thing to keep an eye on.




Mr. Cheng is a managing partner at Clarity Investment Partners, a Hong Kong based independent private investment office that directly manages personal accounts for families and institutions.
