Expert's View 名家觀點


八月 1 , 2017  

How Much Does Asset Allocation Matter Anymore?


by Charles Cheng, CFA
鄭又銓, CFA



As we approach the ninth year of this global equity bull market and with bond yields still at extremely low levels, the effectiveness of traditional asset allocation would appear on the surface to be less useful than in the past. Or perhaps it could be less suited for the current environment. To help answer that question, we examine the past few years of asset returns during and before the current uptrend.




Asset allocation is the one of the pillars of wealth and portfolio management. Traditionally, it has three main objectives: 1) Seeking sources of returns in different asset classes 2) Diversification and 3) Setting an investor’s risk return trade-off for various time horizons. Common asset classes used include Equities, Bonds, Commodities, and Real Estate with greater emphasis placed on the former categories. Equities and Bonds are often split further by allocators into various different classes of their own, such as international and emerging categories.

資產配置是財富及投資組合管理的支柱之一。傳統上,資產配置有三個主要目標:1)在不同資產類別內尋求回報來源 2)實現資產的多元化 3)在多種時間維度內設定投資者的風險回報權衡。普遍使用的資產類別包括股票、債券、大宗商品和房地產,而前兩種資產類別所佔投資比率最高。股票及債券通常被進一步分成各自不同的類別,如國際或新興類別。


Asset Class Total Returns from 7 Mar 2009 to Present


Asset Class

Security Name



US Equities

Vanguard Total Stock Market



European Equities

Vanguard FTSE Europe



Asian Equities

iShares MSCI All Country Asia



EM Equities

Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets



Real Estate

Vanguard REIT



USD Treasury

iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bonds



USD Corp Bonds

iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade



USD High Yield Bonds

iShares iBoxx $ High Yield CorpAQ



EM Bonds

iShares JP Morgan USD Emerging




iShares S&P GSCI Commodity Index



Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.



We use ETF returns as proxies for the various asset classes. Recently, investment returns have been dominated by the stock markets. The current bull market is the second longest recorded since WWII. Since the market troughed in 2009, US equity markets have returned around 341%, European markets around 183% and Asian markets around 195%. US dollar REITS, real estate investment trusts listed on stock exchanges, have returned 462%. In contrast, Bond markets trailed far behind in performance, with US Treasuries returning around 38%, corporate bonds 82%, high yield bonds 152%, and emerging market bonds 120%. Commodities markets have lagged badly behind in performance losing around -42% of their value.




In hindsight the ideal asset allocation for the past eight years would have been mostly in equities. However, it is obvious that equities would lead the way during a bull market, which is defined by the period that equities are constantly rising, and no one can predict what the future will hold. Here are the returns from the onset of the global financial crisis, in Aug 08 to the bottom of the market in Mar 09:



Asset Class



24-Aug-08 to 7-Mar-09

US Equities

Vanguard Total Stock Market



European Equities

Vanguard FTSE Europe



Asian Equities

iShares MSCI All Country Asia



EM Equities

Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets



Real Estate

Vanguard REIT



USD Treasury

iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bonds



USD Corp Bonds

iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade



USD High Yield Bonds

iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corp



EM Bonds

iShares JP Morgan USD Emerging




iShares S&P GSCI Commodity Index



Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.



Here, bonds show their value during a crisis, particularly high quality bonds, with US Treasuries returning around 9% and investment grade corporate bonds -4%, while various equity markets lost close to half their value in this short period. Bear in mind that stock market crises are extremely difficult to predict and that it would take a 100% return for a portfolio to come back to its initial level after a 50% loss.




An aggressive asset allocator could try to maximize returns by trying to time when to go in and out of a risky asset like equities. However, for most people, without this capability, a mix of assets enables them to find a preferred risk- return trade-off. To examine this tradeoff we have to look at market risk as well as return. To compare return with volatility we compare the investment universe of equity-only asset classes versus a combination of all popular asset classes, and examine the full period of returns from August 2008 to present day. For simplicity sake, we assumed equal weighted portfolios rebalanced monthly:



Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.



While equities had a higher return overall, around 67% vs 52%, the mix of assets in the combined portfolio mitigated the volatility, even despite including the poorly performing commodity asset class and despite bond yields near historical lows throughout the period. The Sharpe Ratio is a commonly used measure of return per unit of volatility, and for the combined portfolio the ratio was 3.2 compared to 3.0 for the equity portfolio. The red line above represents the risk return tradeoff scenario of the equity portfolio combined with a percentage of cash (zero return, zero volatility).

雖然純股票組合整體回報較高,約為67%對52%,然而不同資產類別的混合減輕了多資產投資組合的波動性,儘管該組合中包含了在該段時期表現差強人意的大宗商品以及回報接近歷史最低值的債券。夏普比率(Sharpe Ratio)通常被用來衡量單位波動值的收益率。對於混合各種資產類別的投資組合,其夏普比率為3.2,而純股票組合為3.0。上圖中的紅線代表了股票組合混合一定比例的現金(零回報、零風險)後的風險收益權衡情境。



A perhaps better measure of risk is the drawdown, the magnitude that a portfolio drops over a certain period. Even during the bull market period following the trough of the market in 2008, a simple mix of assets was able to significantly mitigate the degree that portfolios fell during times of market turmoil:



Max % Drawdown during:


All Assets

2010 Flash Crash / Job Fears / Euro Downgrades



2011 Euro Debt Crisis



2012 Greek Elections



2015 Greek Debt Crisis/ China Stock crash



Average Post Financial Crisis Drawdown



Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.



All Equity Portfolio Drawdowns


Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.



All Asset Portfolio Drawdowns


Source: Bloomberg. Market Data as of 24- Jul –17.




A better return / risk tradeoff in a mixed asset strategy may enable investors to improve their investment returns despite using lower total return assets. This is because few investors actually put the entirety of their liquid wealth into financial markets and therefore could use more of their cash assets to increase the size of the investments that they are taking on. If they are able to invest, say, 30-50% more into a mixed asset portfolio than a straight equity portfolio while remaining within their tolerable level of risk, then their achievable returns would likely be higher overall even during a favorable period for stocks. For most investors, investing in a broader range of assets can still be a major benefit, regardless of the market environment.



Mr. Cheng is a managing partner at a Hong Kong based independent private investment office that directly manages personal accounts for families and institutions.
