Expert's View 名家觀點
一月 1 , 2021
Grit and Investing 韌性和投資 by Charles Cheng, CFA “Grit” has become a popular buzzword in recent years pertaining to personal development and life success. This is due to research and a popular book authored by Dr. Angela Duckwor […]
十二月 1 , 2020
Decade of Disruption 10年的破壞性創新 by Charles Cheng, CFA As 2020 and the decade are winding down, some of the uncertainties that investors were waiting on are being resolved. Markets rallied in November following the US ele […]
十一月 1 , 2020
Pushing Forward 向前推進 by Charles Cheng, CFA The year of 2020 appears that it will continue to be an eventful one all the way to the finish. The US Presidential election takes place on November 3rd, the result of which may be co […]
十月 1 , 2020
Signaling Noise 信號噪音 by Charles Cheng, CFA Imagine that someone offers you $1,000 USD for one of the face masks that you have no doubt stockpiled in your home. Let’s say you that you have over 1,000 of these masks. Woul […]
九月 1 , 2020
Discipline 紀律 by Charles Cheng, CFA Investors can be successful in all sorts of styles, whether that’s short term, long term, quantitative, event driven, or fundamental. Even mixtures of these investment styles can work, as di […]
八月 1 , 2020
Election Noise 選舉噪音 by Charles Cheng, CFA Another four years has past and we’re on the eve of another closely watched US Presidential election that will likely have significant effects on the rest of the world. Market updates, […]
七月 1 , 2020
Change is Certain 改變是肯定的 by Charles Cheng, CFA Our focus on the US market continues, given the outsized role US equities have in world benchmarks, and that US policy has on the rest of the world. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, […]
六月 1 , 2020
Interesting Times 有趣的時代 by Charles Cheng, CFA During the global COVID-19 pandemic, investors may be second guessing their own actions in a time when market prices and sentiment swing dramatically from day to day. Whether one i […]
五月 1 , 2020
What is the Market Signaling? 市場帶來了什麼信號? by Charles Cheng, CFA From the market peak on Feb 19th to March 23rd, the benchmark US S&P 500 Index fell over 33%. It then subsequently rebounded over 24% over the subsequent month, retra […]
四月 1 , 2020
Re-orienting after the Crash 市場崩潰後的重新定向 by Charles Cheng, CFA Unprecedented. That is one way to describe the March meltdown in US and global financial markets. Not even in Great Depression or global financial crisis has a bear market […]
三月 1 , 2020
Investing through the Outbreak 疫情中的投資 by Charles Cheng, CFA The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has inspired fear, severely inhibited daily life, and has resulted in many hospitalizations and tragic deaths, particularly in China […]
二月 1 , 2020
Behavioral Finance and the Personal Investor 行為金融學及個人投資者 by Charles Cheng, CFA It’s been 50 years since Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky published Prospect Theory, which is considered the founding theory of behavioral economic […]
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