Expert's View 名家觀點
二月 1 , 2022
by Charles Cheng, CFA Entering the new year, it’s worthwhile to reflect on your investment performance in the past 12 months and also your investment strategy going forward. Investing can be a rewarding endeavor but also somet […]
一月 1 , 2022
Charles Cheng, CPA As 2021 draws to a close, world equity markets are likely to finish the year in the positive and with an above average annual return despite the rough performance of some sectors and geographies like emergin […]
十二月 1 , 2021
At the start of the year, discussion around financial markets was dominated by talk of asset bubbles as shares in money losing companies were finishing a massive run up that started from the second half of the previous year. Worldwide searc […]
十一月 1 , 2021
With all the worry in the media about inflation, supply chain disruption, rising rates, COVID variants, and high valuations, equities have continued to run higher. World stocks are around all time high levels, led by US equities, with the S […]
十月 1 , 2021
by Charles Cheng, CFA Why do stocks and other securities move? The quick answer is, it’s complicated due to the different behaviors and motivations of the people who trade them day to day. There are a multitude of reasons, som […]
九月 1 , 2021
by Charles Cheng, CFA Since July 22nd (up to August 22nd), the government of China announced or hinted at rules to limit the business activity of the education, trust, movie, food delivery, video game, streaming video, and oth […]
八月 1 , 2021
by Charles Cheng, CFA The economic story of the first half of 2021 was one of recovery. With the proven effectiveness of vaccines and the opening up of daily life in many countries, the question was about how fast the bounce b […]
七月 1 , 2021
by Charles Cheng, CFA The US dollar rose versus other currencies, gold prices fell, and short-term US Treasury yields moved higher leading up to and following the closely watched two-day FOMC meeting ending June 16th. The mark […]
六月 1 , 2021
Different Flavors of Risk 不同的風險偏好 by Charles Cheng, CFA Rapid declines in recent weeks for previously strong performing assets like crypto currencies and certain information technology companies has highlighted the inhe […]
五月 1 , 2021
Does GDP Growth Mean You Should Load Up on Equity? GDP增長代表我們應該增加股票投資額嗎 by Charles Cheng, CFA As the world recovers from the global pandemic of 2020, economists are revising up growth forecasts, with International […]
四月 1 , 2021
Rising Rates, Changing Markets 上升的利率,變動的股市 by Charles Cheng, CFA Bond prices fell sharply in February and March, with the USD and Euro bond curves steepening, meaning that shorter term bond yields rose less than longer term ones. T […]
三月 1 , 2021
Growing Pains in Democratizing Investing 投資民主化之成長的煩惱 by Charles Cheng, CFA The trading and global media frenzy surrounding the Gamestop short squeeze in January is worth revisiting now that the dust has settled, as it highligh […]
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